

What? The science and activities concerned with the detection, assessment , Understanding and prevention of adverse reaction to medicines or any other medicine related problems. Pharmaco = Medicine Vigilare = to watch Alert watchfulness For bearance of sleep : wakefulness Watchfulness in respect of danger : care : caution : circumspection The process of paying close and […]

YUVA Program

The YUVA program has various iterations and implementations across different organizations and regions, so the specific content might vary. However, here are some common aspects and themes often found in YUVA programs: Skill Development: Civic Engagement: Career Guidance and Education: Personal Development: Networking and Mentorship: Cultural and Recreational Activities: Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Leadership Development: […]

JAVA Full Stack

Java Full Stack typically refers to the utilization of Java programming language across the entire stack of a web application—from the front-end to the back-end. Here’s a breakdown: To become a Java Full Stack developer, you’d typically need proficiency in Java, understanding of front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), familiarity with frameworks like Spring or Jakarta […]